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The Backbone

by Singer Equipment Company

Warehouse_1 WHT
With shipping carriers and transportation in more demand than ever, Singer Equipment Company is committed to maintaining business as usual. We’re able to offer our customers the Singer service they’re used to by relying on our own warehouse and transportation services and, of course, the team members that make them happen every day. With a lot of hands and a lot of moving parts, our warehouses function as the backbone of Singer, and are one of our most effective tools against supply chain disruption.

We asked some of our colleagues in the warehouse how this feat is accomplished. The complexity of running and maintaining an efficient distribution center, after all, is only growing. It quickly became clear that as the task of receiving, storing, and transporting goods becomes more and more complex, our team gives even more of themselves. In doing so, and by standing behind everything we sell and deliver, they maintain the standards and customer satisfaction for which our company is known

Our Singer Equipment warehouse teams achieve the exceptional in our two distribution centers every day. While everyone agreed that honesty and communication are the keys to success, each framed motivation in a unique way. For Rick Dieter, it’s instinct. Rick, Inventory Control Manager and with the company for 27 years, explained this it’s in his nature to help his team and the customer, to make things easier, and that’s only possible with transparency and truthfulness.

Whatever it takes, “we will get it to you.” These are apt comments from our Shipping Supervisor, John Kelso, who has been with Singer for 9 years. John explained that his motivation is seeing tasks to completion and doing a good job, but that patience is also essential, wherever you are along the supply chain.

Michael Delp, Warehouse Associate and Singer employee for 25 years, explained that organization brings about efficiency, allowing the team to stay ahead of the game. At the end of the day, though, our team is driven by something deeper.  As Michael puts it, “We take pride in our jobs to get you your product.”


It’s important that we shine a light on all corners of the supply chain because we all work together to show customers that Singer difference. It is a particular privilege to speak with and write about our warehouse team. They are so integral to what we do on a daily basis and have become even more so over this period. Yet, they’re among the first to reflect back that recognition. To our customers, TJ Harle, Warehouse Receiver and Singer employee for 18 years, says, “without you, there is no us!”

